The Test of Three Story

The Test of Three Story

The Test of Three Story This is a very wise parable that we often share during the Firewalk Instructor Training. It is a useful story for a variety of workshops delivered by Firewalk Instructors. We have also used this story at times when we are working with teenage...
Shooting yourself in the foot

Shooting yourself in the foot

When the rain comes on, hard and heavy, we pull our hoods up, or we pop open our umbrellas. But have you ever noticed, how, once inside those protective little worlds, how oblivious people tend to become? You can witness the hooded-ones walking out in front of cars....
Change and how to avoid it

Change and how to avoid it

Many people long for change in their lives; at least, many people talk about wanting change in their lives. The healthier lifestyle, the better paid job, the more satisfying relationship, the more toned body, to do more reading etc. Whatever it happens to be, it seems...