by Stephen Brown | Sunday, August 5, 2018 | Board Breaking, Charity Firewalks, Charity Glass Walk, Corporate Firewalk, Corporate Glass Walk, Firewalk Instructor Training, Firewalking, Fundraising, Glass Walking, Inspiration, Personal Development, Team Building
Challenge by Choice Challenge by Choice is one of the guiding principals here at Firewalking International. It is a concept that is mentioned at almost all the training courses, events, and retreats that we offer. In this post we are going to unpack what we mean by...
by Stephen Brown | Monday, June 4, 2018 | Board Breaking, Charity Firewalks, Charity Glass Walk, Corporate Firewalk, Corporate Glass Walk, Firewalk Instructor Training, Firewalking, Glass Walking, Personal Development
What are Empowerment Activities? So, Firewalking is Firewalking and Glass Walking is Glass Walking. But what on earth are High Impact Empowerment Activities? Have you heard of Empowerment Activities and wondered what they are? Or what about Breakthrough Activities? In...
by Bobby Marno | Monday, April 2, 2018 | Board Breaking, Personal Development, Team Building
Will I hurt my hand Board Breaking? As you can imagine, wondering if you can hurt your hand Board Breaking is a fairly common concern. Rightly so. Often, people don’t know they are going to be doing a Board Break until we produce the Boards. It’s often a...
by Bobby Marno | Wednesday, March 14, 2018 | Board Breaking, Firewalk Instructor Training, Personal Development, Team Building
Can anyone do a Board Break? Board Breaking can be attempted by anyone of any age. We have had participants as young as 8 doing a Board Break and our most senior Board Breaker to date was a spritely 88 years young. Various thicknesses of board can be used depending on...