Winter is coming…
Winter is coming. Not too soon hopefully, but it is on it’s way and we are excited for it! “Why?” we hear you ask. Well, winter is a wonderful time of year for Firewalking. There is a constant buzz of Charity Firewalks, Corporate Firewalks, and Retreats. Lot’s of people don’t like Winter, but we love it.
Winter is coming, and we are ready…
Here are 3 reasons why Firewalking is great in winter.
The days are shorter
In the UK and Ireland, it is very difficult to Firewalk in the dark during the summer. In the peak of the Summer there it doesn’t get dark until very late. That means you need to do a daytime Firewalk or wait until 11pm or later!
In contrast, from September on, it is possible to Firewalk in the dark from 8.00pm. And Firewalking in the dark is where it’s at. The Fire always looks much more spectacular in the dark, and the glowing red embers are way more enchanting.
“Winter is a season of recovery and preparation.”
Paul Theroux
The air is cool and crisp
There is something beautiful about standing beside a blazing fire on a cool and crisp autumn or winter evening. Especially with a group of like-minded people. It is tribal. It is raw. And it is beautiful, ask anyone that has experienced it.
The ground is cold too, and when you are standing there in your bare feet you feel a stronger connection with yourself and the planet.
It’s a time for renewal and grounding
Winter is the natural time of year for the planet and her inhabitants to slow down. It’s a time to ground yourself, take stock, and begin the renewal process for spring.
Getting outside at this time of year is great for doing just that. Taking part in a Firewalk, a Sweat Lodge, or a Retreat will enrich your period of rejuvenation.
What are you going to do after the Summer?
It’s hard to think beyond the summer. Days are filled with adventure, socialising, BBQ’s, long evenings, and early starts. But it’s good to think about what you can do after August.
You could go as far as organising a Firewalk for Charity or for you, your family and friends. Or you could get outside your comfort zone and attend one of the many Firewalks or Retreats we have available. You might even think about going on a ski trip or booking a winter sun holiday.
Whatever you decide, get in the diary soon. It’ll be something to look forward to, not that winter is coming!
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
Get in touch and do something different this winter!